


  • 1 skewer
  • 1 piece of twine
  • 1 piece of ribbon
  • 1 piece of felt
  • 1 piece of fabric
  • 1 pair of scissors
  • 1 glue stick


  1. Cut the skewer to the desired length. The skewer should be long enough to wrap around the base of the bottle and have some extra length for decoration.
  2. Tie the twine to the skewer. Make a loop with the twine and tie it securely to the skewer.
  3. Wrap the ribbon around the skewer. Cut a piece of ribbon that is about 12 inches long. Wrap the ribbon around the skewer, making sure that the edges of the ribbon are pulled up and away from the skewer.
  4. Attach the ribbon to the bottle. Push the ribbon through the loop in the twine and pull it tight.
  5. Attach the felt and fabric to the bottle. Cut a piece of felt that is about 6 inches long. Cut a piece of fabric that is about 8 inches long. Fold the felt in half lengthwise and attach it to the inside of the bottle, near the base. Fold the fabric in half lengthwise and attach it to the outside of the bottle, near the top.
  6. Glue the skewer in place. Apply glue to the inside of the skewer and insert it into the base of the bottle.
  7. Decorate the bottle. You can decorate the bottle with any materials that you like, such as beads, sequins, or feathers.


  • Use a variety of colors and patterns of ribbon and fabric to create a unique and personalized bottle.
  • Experiment with different sizes and shapes of felt and fabric to find what works best for your bottle.
  • Add a personal touch by adding a name or initials to the bottle.