


  • Watercolor paper in a variety of colors
  • Scissors
  • Glue stick
  • Pencil
  • Decorative embellishments (optional)


  1. Cut out shapes: Cut out various flower shapes from the watercolor paper. You can use different sizes, colors, and patterns to create a unique bouquet.

  2. Assemble the box: Start by cutting a rectangular piece of cardboard or foam board to the desired size of your box.

  3. Glue the shapes inside: Glue the flower shapes onto the inside of the box, starting from the outside and working your way in.

  4. Decorate: Once the flowers are glued in place, add any decorative embellishments, such as ribbons, beads, or feathers.

  5. Add a lid: Cut a piece of cardboard or foam board to fit the top of the box and attach it with glue or a staple.

  6. Personalize: You can personalize your gift by adding a name or special message inside the box.

  7. Finishing touches: Decorate the outside of the box with paint, markers, or stickers to create a unique and personalized gift.


  • Use a variety of colors and patterns to create a vibrant and eye-catching box.
  • Experiment with different shapes and sizes of flowers to find your perfect arrangement.
  • Add a few dried flowers or leaves to the inside of the box for a natural and fragrant touch.
  • Use a sturdy box that can hold the weight of the flowers.
  • Make sure to let the box dry completely before presenting it.